Thursday 26 February 2015

16 Of Your Favorite Landmarks Photographed WITH Their True Surroundings!

Context is everything… especially when it drives an industry whose main objective is to benefit from increased profit.
While there is no arguing the world holds a bounty of beauty and mysteries to be explored, changing times have diminished some of the mysticism which is often displayed in photographs of ancient wonders.
Therefore, if pictures truly convey more value than words, we wonder what True Activist readers think of these famous landmarks photographed in ‘ideal’ setting, and then zoomed out with their surroundings in sight.

Pyramids, Cairo


Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England


Taj Mahal, Agra, India


Brandenburg Gate, Berlin


Sagrada Familia, Barcelona


Niagara Falls


Acropolis, Athens



Mount Rushmore


Forbidden City, Beijing


Hollywood sign, California


Santorini, Greece


Mona Lisa, Louvre Museum, Paris


Central Park, New York


Arc de Triomphe, Paris


Little Mermaid Statue, Copenhagen, Denmark


4 Huge Reasons Why Soy Should Be Avoided

Whether you call it soybeans or edamame, the bottom line is the same: soy should not be eaten by anyone pursuing good health. By now, it’s well known in the natural health community that almost all soy is genetically modified, but what is not so well known is that instead of contributing to nutrition, soybeans and most of the products made from them may actually rob the body of nutrients, destroy thyroid function, and cause developmental problems in infants and children.
In the late 1990’s, the FDA allowed the soybean industry to make a health claim about soybeans, and marketers jumped at the chance to capitalize on the event. Since then, sales of soybeans have skyrocketed, and an amazing array of products made with soy has proliferated store shelves.
But contrary to popular belief, soy is not a health food, and now is the time to get off the soy bandwagon.
In their natural form, soybeans contain phytochemicals that have negative effects on the human body. Three major anti-nutrients found in soy are phytatesenzyme inhibitors, and goitrogens. All plants have some anti-nutrient properties, but the soybean is especially rich in these chemicals. If they aren’t removed by extensive preparation such as fermentation or soaking in the Chinese way of making natto, tempeh or miso, soybeans are one of the worst foods a person can eat.
While Americans have been consuming soy products at record levels, research has linked a whole host of health problems to soy consumption, including:
Unfermented soy consumption has also been linked to:
In addition to the health conscious who have been buying up soy products, the groups most at risk of experiencing negative effects from soy appear to be infants fed soy based formulas, vegetarians eating a high soy diet, and mid-life women going heavy on the soy foods thinking they will help with symptoms of menopause.

1. Phytates from Soy Rob the Body of Essential Minerals

All legumes contain phytate (also known as phytic acid) to some extent, but the soybean is loaded with it. Phytate from unfermented soy products works in the gastrointestinal tract to tightly bind minerals such as zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, and calcium – one of the main reasons soy has been linked to osteoporosis. Pytate has a particularly strong affinity for zinc, a mineral that is critical in avoiding breast cancer while supporting wound healing, protein synthesis, reproductive health, nerve function, and brain development.
In most legumes such as other varieties of beans, soaking is enough to break down most of the phytate content. However, the soybean requires enzymes released in the fermentation process to reduce its phytate content to the point where it becomes fit for consumption.
Soybeans, edamame, soy milk, soy chips, soy protein bars, soy flour, soy protein isolates, and all the other products made from soybeans and advertised as health foods are not fermented and contain astronomical levels of phytate. These products are simply junk, and not fit for human consumption.

2. Enzyme Inhibitors in Soy Cause Digestive Distress

When food is eaten, digestive enzymes such as amylase, lipase, and protease are secreted into the digestive tract to help break it down and free nutrients for assimilation into the body. The high content of enzyme inhibitors in unfermented soybeans interferes with this process and makes carbohydrates and proteins from soybeans impossible to completely digest. When foods are not completely digested because of enzyme inhibitiors, bacteria in the large intestine try to do the job, and this can cause discomfort, bloating, and embarrassment.

3. Soybeans can Block Production of Thyroid Hormone

Soybeans have a high content of goitrogens, substances that can block the production of thyroid hormone as well as cause goiter formation. This is important because low thyroid activity plagues women in America, particularly middle-aged women.
Thyroid hormone stokes the cellular furnaces known as mitochrondria. So when thyroid production is low, energylevels as well as body heat are also low. Low thyroid level is one cause of elderly people moving so slowly. Low thyroid also means the action of the heart is reduced, resulting in lack of oxygen to the cells.
Genistein, an isoflavone found in soybeans, can block thyroid production, too. Phytate accentuates these effects because it binds up zinc and copper, leaving little of these critical minerals available to make thyroid hormone.
A transport protein called GLUT1 is shut down by genistein. This protein sends glucose into the cells where it is used to generate energy. Slowing the transport of glucose means less energy production for every other action in the body.
Another way in which soy isoflavones reduce energy is by inhibiting tyrosine kinases, enzymes involved in the transfer of energy from one molecule to another. These enzymes drive cellular division, memory consolidation, tissue repair, and blood vessel maintenance and regeneration.

4. The Benefits of Genistein Come at a High Cost

Women have been encouraged to use high genistein soy products to alleviate symptoms of menopause and as a guard against bone loss and breast cancer. But given the full range of effects genistein has in the body, this is a badidea. Commercial soybean products offer genistein levels as high as 20 to 60 mg per serving. Asians are presented as an example of the benefits of eating soybeans, and their incidence of breast cancer and osteoporosis is low. However, the Asian diet of fermented soybean products such as miso and tempeh includes only around 5 mg of genistein a day. Unfermented soy is not usually consumed.
Genistein slows the growth of blood vessels to tumors, another action that makes it popular as a cancer fighter. However, it has the same effect on blood vessels serving normsal cells. Eating a regular diet high in genistein can result in the starvation of healthy blood cells, and a reduction in their oxygen supply.
In the late 1990’s a study of 8,000 Asian men showed that those consuming the highest amounts of tofu had smaller brain size and nearly three times the rate of senile dementia as those who ate the lowest amounts.

Fermentation Releases Soy Nutrients

With fermented soy foods, a little goes a long way. The nutrients found in fermented soy products such as miso, tempeh, and natto can be beneficial in the moderate amounts found in the typical Asian diet, but have the potential to do harm in higher amounts. In China and Japan, only about one ounce of fermented soy food is eaten on a daily basis.
When fermented soy foods are used in small amounts they help build the inner ecosystem, providing a wealth of friendly microflora to the intestinal tract that can help with digestion and assimilation of nutrients, and boost immunity.
Dr. John Lee, famed professor from the Harvard Medical School and author of several books on women’s health, recommended that people wishing to consume soy eat only miso, tempeh and natto. Small amounts of tofu can also be eaten but only in the Asian manner of accompanying it with high protein and high mineral foods.

Source : truththeory

500 Year Old Map Was Discovered That Shatters The “Official” History Of The Planet

Human history is quite an enigma. We know so little, and much of what we think we know seems to be highly questionable in the wake of new evidence, as well as pre-existing information that challenges our current understanding of the world.
Our world is no stranger to unexplained mystery, and there are numerous examples of verified phenomenon, ancient monuments, books, teachings, understandings and more that lack any explanation and counter what we’ve already been taught. We are like a race with amnesia, able to put together small bits and pieces of our history yet unable to provide any sort of verified explanation. There are still many missing pieces to the puzzle.
One great example is the Piri Reis map, a genuine document that was re-made (copied from older documents) at Constantinople in AD 1513, and discovered in 1929. It focuses on the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica. It was drawn by the military intelligence of Admiral Piri Reis of the Ottoman era. He is a well-known historical figure whose identity is well established. The Admiral made a copy of it, and the original was drawn based on documents that date back to at least the fourth century BC, and oninformation obtained by multiple explorers.

Why The Map Is So Compelling

Right off the bat, one of the most compelling facts about the map is that it includes a continent that our history books tell us was not discovered until 1818.
Secondly, the map depicts what is known as “Queen Maud Land,” a 2.7 million-square-kilometer (1 million sq mi) region of Antarctica as it looked millions of years ago. This region and other regions shown on the map are thought to have been covered completely in ice, but the map tells a different story. It shows this area as ice free, which suggests that these areas passed through a long ice-free period which might not have come to an end until approximately six thousand years ago, which again, totally goes against what is taught and currently believed. Today, geological evidence has confirmed that this area could not have been ice-free until about 4000 BC.
Official science has been saying all along that the ice-cap which covers the Antarctic is millions of years old. The Piri Reis map shows that the northern part of that continent has been mapped before the ice did cover it. This means that it was mapped a million years ago, but that’s impossible, since mankind did not exist at that time. Quite the conundrum isn’t it?
Professor Charles Hapgood, who was a university history professor, wrote to the United States Air Force Reconnaissance Technical Squadron (SAC) and they also confirmed that“this indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap.” (1) They also went on to state that “we have no idea how the data on this map can be reconciled with the supposed state of geographical knowledge in 1513.” (1) (The reply was from Harold Z. Ohlmeyer, a Lt Colonel, USAF)
Here’s what Professor Charles Hapgood had to say about it:
“It appears that accurate information has been passed down from people to people. It appears that the charts must have originated with a people unknown and they were passed on, perhaps by the Minoans and the Phoenicians, who were, for a thousand years and more, the greatest sailors of the ancient world. We have evidence that they were collected and studied in the great library of Alexandria (Egypt) and that compilations of them were made by the geographers that worked there.” (1)
Furthermore, the map is very detailed and includes mountain ranges in the Antarctic. which were not even discovered until 1952.
“His idea is original, of great simplicity, and – if it continues to prove itself – of great importance to everything that is related to the history of the Earth’s surface.” – Einstein on Hapgood’s interpretations of the map (1)(2) (From a forward Einstein wrote for Hapgood in one of his books)
Hapgood and mathematician Richard W. Strachan have also provided more mind-boggling information. For example, a comparison with modern day photographs that are taken from satellite images shows remarkable similarities; the originals of Piri Reis’ maps might well have been aerial photographs taken from a very high height. (2) I’ll let you think about that for a second. How is that possible for a map that was made millions of years ago?
“A spaceship hovers high above Cairo and points its camera straight downward. When the film is developed, the following picture would emerge: everything that is in a radius of about 5,000 miles of Cairo is reproduced correctly, because it lies directly below the lens. But the countries and continents become increasingly distorted the farther we move our eyes from the center of the picture. Why is this? Owing to the spherical shape of the earth, the continents away from the center “sink downward.” South America, for example, appears strangely distorted length-ways, exactly as it does on the Piri Reis maps! And exactly as it does on the photographs taken from the American lunar probes.” – (Erich Von Daniken 92)

Changing Our View of The Past

The fact that this ancient map could have been made with some sort of arial technology is quite a thought, isn’t it? Even if this isn’t an option, who had the technology to undertake such an accurate geographical survey in Antarctica a couple million years ago? How would they have known to detail the map as if it were taken from above, with knowledge about the earth’s shape?
It remains a mystery how the Sumerians, Mayans, and others were aware of bodies in space that are impossible to detect without modern technology, and were able to make calculations based on that awareness. This map is another example of just such a mystery, and suggests that the existence of some sort of ancient advanced civilization, with all the tools (or possibly more) of modern day civilization, is indeed plausible.
For more detailed information regarding this truly fascinating map, I suggest you check out source # 1 for starters.
I’d also like to mention that this map is part of a very large body of evidence suggesting that extremely intelligent, very advanced ancient civilizations once roamed the Earth.
(1) Hancock, Graham. Fingerprints of the Gods: Canada: Anchor Canada, 2005
(2) Daniken, Erich. Chariots of The Gods. New York: Berkley Books, 1970